Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Concept

HOW THE CONCEPT BEGAN: One day I was listening to Focus on the Family and a guest speaker was talking about walking into a room and how a woman said she smelled good. She replied that she smelled like Jesus. That got me thinking, " What would Jesus smell like? " As far as I know there isn't a fragrance out there that references Jesus of any kind. I started asking other what they thought Jesus smelled like. I received various responses from Heaven to Homemade Bread to Wilderness/Dirt. (I had to clarify that I was asking about Jesus and not John the Baptist.) Then the research began. I was amazed how much fragrances, oils, spices or as I call them, flavors, are mentioned in the Bible. By praying and talking to other respected and trust individuals in my church I was a little concerned about using the name of Jesus in my product. As I thought more about how the world is trying to take Christ out of Christmas and how it's getting less and less politically correct I thought no, I'm going to use it. After all our Lord wasn't ever concerned with politics or the ways of this world. He is more about the love for the people of this world (John 3:16). Whether or not you believe in Jesus everyone pretty much knows His name so I went with it. Since I am using the name of Jesus I wanted the "essence" to be as good for the gals as it is for the guys. Please contact me by the comment link below the post.


  1. I love the fragrance!
    It's such a great concept ~ I'm glad you came up with it!

  2. I just want to thank everyone in advance that views and follows my blog.The concept is something I have been working hard on and with Gods blessing it will be a success.Please look forward to new up comming products such as:
    T shirts with the Sonarise Products Logo
